F. 22021/1/2022-HM(IMB)Vol-II/257-258 Dt. 27th May, 2024 - Certifying Officers to issue Certificate of Origin for locally grown arecanuts within their respective jurisdiction.
Page Links: https://home.mizoram.gov.in/post/certifying-officers-to-issue-certificate-of-origin-for-locally-grown-arecanuts-within-their-respective-jurisdictionp
Certifying Officers to issue Certificate of Origin for locally grown arecanuts within their respective jurisdiction.
- Committee to oversee the smooth operation of entry exit points along the Indo-Myanmar Border.
- Border Coordination Committee - Indo-Myanmar Border.
- Border Coordination Committee - Indo-Bangladesh Border.
- Scientific Expert under Forensic Science Laboratory, Mizoram.
- MPS Officers Transfer and Posting.
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