TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders are invited by the Home Department, Mizoram from interested firms for Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Command & Control Centre And Town Surveillance System in Lunglei Town as per the requirements prescribed in the RFP document. The document containing the terms and conditions of the tender for filing the technical and financial bid for Command & Control Centre and City Surveillance System can be obtained from the office of the undersigned. The firms who are interested to participate in this selection system are to submit their proposals by 27.06.2018 till 11.00 AM at the Home Department, Mizoram on the address mentioned below. All responses to the RFP shall be addressed to the undersigned. Sd/- LALBIAKZAMA Additional Secretary to the Government of Mizoram, Home Department. New Secretariat Complex, Aizawl Email : lalbiak45@gmail.com Contact No: 0389-2311014
